As the controlling shareholder, Austro Holding carries the entrepreneurial responsibility for its holdings. All decisions are primarily aimed at the sustainable and long-term positive development of all associated companies. Its tasks are divided into three areas.
01 One of the main tasks of Austro Holding is the identification, analysis and selection of companies that match the investment criteria of Austro Holding. This is done on the basis of robust financial analysis as well as comprehensive know-how of legal and tax-related configuration.
The Austro Holding team has many years of wide-ranging experience in the settlement of transactions. Due diligence is taken care of by the team itself. Decisions on whether or not to invest in a company are prepared by the management and made by the Supervisory Board. All decision-making processes are lean and allow for swift implementation.
The Mergers & Acquisitions division compiles business plans containing any necessary restructuring steps as well as approaches for further operational and strategic development.
02 The core activity is the operational and strategic development of the associated companies. Tasks related to this area are carried out by the Austro Holding team at various levels:
– Active operational management roles in portfolio companies.
– Holding management and advisory roles on the supervisory board.
– Project work and execution of special topics in cooperation with the on-site management.
03 The most important holding functions are Group Accounting and Investment Controlling, which supports the operational and strategic development of the associated company, as well as various support functions for the investments.
The latter includes, for example, exploiting the Group’s economies of scale in purchasing, such as negotiating special group tariffs and other bundling advantages.
Other holding functions are Human Resources, IT and communications.
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